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    Python-dev Buildexe Erroneously Empty On 2.2.2 For Mac

    Distributing Python Modules: Previous: 9.1.2 build_py Up: 9.1 Building modules: the Next: 9.1.4 build_clib See About this document. For information on suggesting changes.About this document. For information on suggesting changes.

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    There is also the Python Imaging Library (PIL), which is not the same as numpy (in fact, you have to convert back and forth). For the kind of image processing that I will be talking about, this does not matter as PIL is targeted towards other types of image manipulation. This is so useful that, if you are familiar with the shell, you might consider setting up an alias pylab=ipython -pylab.

    The pylab argument also imports several numerical packages (including numpy, which is named np, scipy, and pylab). For the curious, I contrast stretched the image for this tutorial. If you are not too familiar with Python, you might not be comfortable with the dna // 2 notation. Xbmc 10 1 download for mac. While 4 divided by 2 is obviously 2, it is not always clear what 3 divided by 2 should be. The integer division answer is that it’s 1 (with remainder 1), while the floating-point division answer is that it is 1.5. In Python, the // operator always gives you the integer division, while / used to give you integer division and now gives you the floating-point one.

    ^5: In practice this is not the most efficient way to do this. The same operation can be done much faster using for obj in atborder: whole.= (whole!= obj).

    Multiplying or adding boolean arrays might seem strange at first, but it’s a very useful idiom.

    Python-dev Buildexe Erroneously Empty On 2.2.2 For Mac